Battelor Griffon

Battelor Griffon
Photo by Diana Robicheaux

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I love the fall.  It's my favorite season and though it doesn't officially end until December 22, October is the month that best encompasses the season.  The leaves change color to a vibrant display of orange, red and yellow.  Fall festivals feature treats like fresh cider, caramel apples and apple pie.  If you live in Ohio like I do, it's the one time of year when you can get sauerkraut pizza, sauerkraut fudge, and sauerkraut ice cream.  Neighborhood homes are decorated with pumpkins, corn stalks, scarecrows, and ghouls.  While some keep the fall decorations up until Thanksgiving, most around here take them down and start putting up Christmas decorations right after Halloween.  Fall seems to evaporate as we hop from one holiday to the next, but I try to hang on to it for as long as I can.

I'm never in a hurry to see fall's temperate weather go.  The cooler temperatures are perfect for taking long walks outdoors.  That little nip in the air gets my creative juices flowing and I've come up with some great ideas for stories and paintings in the fall.  I started walking through old cemeteries last year and got some spectacular pictures of the fall foliage.  I took the photograph above at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati last fall and I plan to go back again this year.

So appreciate the season while it's here.  Find a festival or take a drive to a park or through the country on the weekends to look at the colors.  Enjoy yourself and don't forget the camera.

1 comment:

  1. Sauerkraut pizza, fudge, and icecream?! Have you tasted any of them? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I'm with you, people put up Christmas too quickly. (I've been guilty of that years ago but am a good girl now and wait.) Love the autumn. We grew our own pumpkins this year. And call me lazy, but I haven't bothered trying to rake all the leaves. So many colors carpeting the ground. Beautiful.

    Love the photo of the cemetary. They're introspective places for a quiet ramble.
